An Inner Knowing of Ultimate Potential

You are a part of the Universe’s rhyme

Photo by Matheus Bertelli from Pexels

You were born into this world
In the image and likeness of all that is
A ray of the sun
On purpose forgetting what it really is

Stepping into this realm of duality
A kindred spirit indivisible from the whole
Dancing onto the stage
Ready to play its role

But the time is such
That the play has become too dense
Everyone is running around
In the illusion of the Ego’s defense

Striving to become normal
They burden you with the baggage of conditioning
Introduce you to the concept of right and wrong
And tell that it is the only way of living

The molds were already set
Before you were even born
Pushed to fit into it
No regard for the wings that were torn

Oh the pain, the agony
As you depart from your true nature
All seems bleak
And there is no hope for the future

But trust me oh dear one
This is also a part of your play
Its time to awaken
The universe soon comes to relay

With the grace of inner knowing
You learn that there is no right or wrong
The conditioning begins to dilute
And the Ego is no longer as strong

You break the chains of thought
Gripping you since the beginning of time
Stepping out of the illusion
You know you are part of the Universe’s rhyme

As the mind become silent
Your river of consciousness is no longer torrential
With the realization of the Self
There comes an inner knowing of ultimate potential