Oracle Decks Are The New Therapy

Oracle Decks Are The New Therapy

When the Tarot reader guides you in the right direction

Image by Kayla Maurais for Unsplash

The future is not written in stone. In fact, as most of us already know, the only thing guaranteed in life is change. When seasons change as naturally as an aging person releasing their butterfly wings, fate is not something we fully control but rather, we create. For this reason, Tarot cards are a powerful medium because according to its guidance, you can’t make wrong choices; only different ones.

Have you ever used Angel cards? Animal Totem cards? Goddess cards? Or even Yoga cards? With oracle decks becoming more popular than ever before, there are literally hundreds of themes to choose from. Hence, regardless of whether you use the Rider Tarot deck or some new-age creation, the amount of oracle decks available make it easier for you to work with the one you feel called to.

NOTE: In my opinion, stay away from black magic or horror-type decks. You know the ones… They feature pictures with sexual bondage, true crime, demons, and other dark messages. While some might think it’s just fun and games, I wouldn’t entertain it.

There are many beautiful decks that only offer wise guidance through the depiction of positive images and affirmations. Think of collections that feature prolific women in history, ancient deities from around the world, or the seven chakras and beyond. Whenever we work with decks offering a high frequency, any card you pull will be a message designed to make you think optimistically. Now, does that mean receiving a tarot reading should replace therapy or psychiatry? Not at all. But, it does provide a “feel-good” boost!

This is why I suggest staying away from negative decks. Of course, what feels negative to me is only my opinion. But we kind of know which decks look more like board games than angelic guidance. They look, feel, and sound worlds apart. When most decks are accompanied by a book of descriptions, it’s important to invest into the kinds of decks that provide a healing tone within its messages. Decks that feature cards entitled “compassion,” “change direction,” “renewal,” “speak up,” “patience,” and “heart-to-heart.” Those kinds of cards carry the right intention to improve your situation, not to hinder it. Hence, be mindful of the types of card decks you buy and even the kinds of Tarot readers you visit. The experience truly makes a difference!

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