Why 5 Minutes of Sun Salutation Practice Can Transform Your Meditation Experience.

There’s a reason it calms you down and is so popular.

Photo by madison lavern on Unsplash

If you’ve practiced Sun Salutation, you’re likely aware of its physical benefits.

But did you know that Sun Salutation is more than just a sequence of postures? It has a deep spiritual significance that can aid your development and connect you to the sun’s energy. Sun Salutation was traditionally performed to show gratitude to the Sun God (Surya), which has sustained life on Earth for centuries.

Each step in the sequence is associated with a specific mantra and chakra, activating your subtle energy body as you practice.

Below are the mantras associated with each pose and the chakras it affects:

1. Tadasana — Anahata (heart) — Om Mitraya Namah (Greetings to the one who is affectionate to all)

2. Urdhva Hastasana — Vishuddhi (throat) — Om Ravaye Namah (Greetings to the one who is the cause of all changes)

3. Padahastasana — Swadisthana (sacrum) — Om Suryaya Namah (Greetings to the one who induces all activity)

4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana — Ajna (third eye) — Om Bhanave Namah (Greetings to the one who diffuses light)

5. Parvatasana — Vishuddhi (throat) — Om Khagaya Namah (Greetings to the one who moves in the sky)

6. Ashtanga Namaskara — Manipura (solar plexus) — Om Bhanave Namah (Greetings to the one who nourishes all)

7. Bhujangasana — Swadhisthana (sacrum) — Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namah (Greetings to the one who contains the golden rays)

8. Parvatasana — Vishuddhi (throat) — Om Maricaye Namah (Greetings to the one who possesses raga)

9. Ashwa Sanchalanasana — Ajna (third eye) — Om Adityaya Namah (Greetings to the one who is the son of Aditi)

10. Padahastasana — Swadisthana (sacrum) — Om Savitre Namah (Greetings to the one who produces everything)

11. Urdhva Hastasana — Vishuddhi (throat) — Om Arkaya Namah (Greetings to the one who is fit to be worshipped)

12. Tadasana — Anahata (heart) — Om Bhaskaraya Namah (Greetings to the one who is the cause of luster)

As you move through each pose, you recite each mantra and , you’ll activate the associated chakra, cleansing and nourishing your subtle energy body.

With this awareness, your Sun Salutation practice can transform into a deep meditation session.

Hi, I’m Harsh. I’m a meditation & yoga teacher. Here to spread consciousness through words and practices.

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