How Yoga and Quantum Physics Can Heal Your Brain

Science Confirms: When we feel better, we observe better and our brain gets better.

Altering ‘The Observer Effect’ With Meditation After Yoga (image by author)

I began practicing yoga for stress relief, but then… I realized that suddenly, had a practical quantum physics experiment I could try!

Observing The Observer

Quantum physics says that the mere act of observing an event can alter the event. It’s known as ‘the observer effect’.

Our perception is also influenced by our emotional state.

Thus, the effect we have on the world also depends on our perception of the events as we are observing them.

To Wire? Or Not To Wire?

Scientific findings have shown that our thoughts can alter the neural pathways in our brain. Through intentional thought, we have the capacity to rewire our brain.

This transformation in the brain consequently shifts our perception of the world.

Yoga can modify our emotional state, subsequently altering our perceptions, altering the effects we have on what we observe.

When we practice emotional rehearsal meditations after yoga, we can alter the neural patterns in our brain and thus we change the effects that we may have on what we observe.

What Am I Supposed To DO In Meditation Anyway?

The best meditations to practice at the end of a yoga class are very individual. Starting with generic mantras of wellbeing is fine, but our intention is to practice personal mental movies, or stories, of watching your future-self feeling gratitude, accomplishment, patience, compassion, empathy, and acting with selfcare in small moments.

Change How You Change Your Brain

Emotional Rehearsal Of Future Accomplishment (image by author)

Knowing that we are changing our brain with the stories we tell ourselves, we can be purposeful in crafting the ‘story’ and emotions we practice in our meditations and in our moments through the day.

In other words, we can journal what we want, create our own movie script of our success, and then practice feeling the emotion of this imaginary triumph during the meditation at the end of yoga!

When we are continually being mindful of, and altering our emotional state — we can begin to rewire our brain with these cultivated thoughts.

Our brain will begin to look like that experience has already happened!

This shift in alignment with the source of our emotions can modify our world perception and, in turn, impact the way we interact with the people and events in our lives.

Events Cause Emotions. I’m Angry BECAUSE of…

The conventional Newtonian perspective interprets our emotions as a product of life experiences. But the Quantum view recognizes that different perceptions of the world have different effect on the events surrounding us.

These principles can be elusive and are often not realized without being introduced by someone else. Currently, as I ponder the profound difference in these approaches, I appreciate the perspectives and am thankful for now understanding.

Tricked Into Looking Backwards

However, I also feel duped in a way… tricked. Because these principles seem something like radio waves: omnipresent yet nearly imperceptible and difficult to discover through individual experience.

I Was Blind. And Needed A Guide.

This analogy aided me in letting go of my ego. I figured I could figure things out on my own and I was more happy to make mistakes and get feedback than to ask for help.

I hated asking for help, and didn’t understand why I was so resistant… but I’m starting to get it now…

which enables me to embrace guidance from others during yoga classes and meditation sessions. Through this guidance, I practiced and rehearsed emotions that were awkward to me at first.

The Science of Yoga Keeps Me Going

When I put together quantum physics, neurology, hormones, and the Law of Attraction, I started seeking mentors who could assist me in honing the skills of observing the world from a better feeling perspective.

Wrestling With My Old Self

Even after five years of consistent practice, I occasionally find myself entangled with my former self and the Newtonian perspective, where my daily hardships were the focus of my emotions.

However, by being mindful of my brainwave state, muscle tension, and energy state, I’m more skilled at taking the time to pause and reset.

This allows me to respect the quantum principle, acknowledging that the next experiences in my life are influenced by the emotions I am now choosing in this present moment.