Unsweet Liberty

The Downside of Blind Trust

Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash

Sweet, sweet liberty is the defining shine behind our American pride. The freedoms and rights we know well set a precedent for our concept of democracy.

While our government poses a great example of where those liberties originated, that same government has blatantly proved its apathy for the average citizen.

So, as a shaken society, what occurs when politics is no longer the place to look for solutions to our sufferings? What do we do when our government no longer provides us those rights and freedoms?

There is a scientific reason behind the blind trust and affiliation we give our governing powers. We human beings can pinpoint authority with ease. Whether we realize it or not, instincts duly take over, leaving us receptive to the authorities we face.

So with instinct pushing us to have faith in our bureaucracy, we listen. We live the hellish cycle of blind trust that keeps us stuck.

If there were a way to disconnect the desires of our untrustworthy government from the needs of the American people, it seems we would be further ahead in our desperate cries for resolution and revolution. It feels like the american govmt and the american people are two different entities fighting two different fights.

Us citizens, the ones who do not spend days or weeks sitting in a House or Senate seat, are lying in wait for the evil to break. The youth eager for political change labor through school to learn more about how our politics truly work.

Yet nothing has changed in our favor. Things have become more and more difficult to reform as we continuously attempt to enter our governmental spaces.

We, the people, feel backed into a corner, with seemingly no choice but to rely on that blind trust, that us human beings choose to abdicate our responsibilities to blindly follow authority instead. But something has got to remind the political rulers that we, the people, are the true majority.

Together, collectively conscious, we can instill the necessary change to positively flip our lives on their heads, all in a way that lacks the inflicted pain of our government.

Every individual who has put the spiritual laws of the universe first has come out on the other side with a one-word answer; unite.

Our constitution, written in blood and ink, is a stark reminder that blind trust has never granted us our freedoms. The founding fathers wrote up the United States’ defining document with the corruption of their government in mind.

If history has proven anything, evil political powers will never give up their stronghanded will, nor will they look out for our best intentions. Regardless of how many intelligent people gain ground in our government, that route never changes things.

The pure change can only happen on the outer banks of those Capitol walls. We, the people, hold that power for change. We always have and always will, especially when living in unity.

In the same fashion our founding fathers did, we only need to act on that inner change. Consciously, spiritually, and physically, we, the people, only need to unite.