Yoga At Home

Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash

Before March 2020, I belonged to a lovely yoga studio just a few miles from my home. The studio was a sacred space. I had wonderful relationships with the many teachers and students with whom I shared blessed moments on our mats.

Enter COVID.

My studio temporarily closed but offered streaming options. But back then, in the early days of the pandemic, I didn’t enjoy the isolation. I didn’t have a designated yoga space. I missed the feeling of sacredness that I always felt when I walked into the yoga studio.

Since I couldn’t go to in-person yoga classes for the foreseeable future, I took the drastic step of converting my guest room into an at-home yoga space. And I gave it a sacred feel.

Yoga and meditation are the only activities that take place in that room. It gets regularly smudged and holds a collection of artwork by various artists — including several pieces by The Magical Creatures.

Fast forward to 2023.

I practice nearly every day in my yoga room. Sadly, my yoga studio closed for keeps last fall, however, I was able to locate a new studio that live-streams its classes. For a reasonable monthly fee, I have unlimited access to those classes. I find I enjoy having the social interaction of a live-stream class better than a recorded video.

I also enjoy not having to leave my home for the experience.

The world changed. My world changed. But adaptation is part of life. We change, we grow, and we find our feet in a different reality. At the beginning of the pandemic, live-stream classes of any sort were not common. These days you can find a class for just about anything online. And I find myself adapting, grateful even, for the shift.


“Optimist: Someone who figures that taking a step backward
after taking a step forward is not a disaster, it’s a cha-cha.”― Robert Brault